Buffalo class is the only one for most cases.
Parameter name | Parameter type | Description | Required? | Default |
gateway | string | the address of bfapp servlet | true | N/A |
async | boolean | if it's a asynchronous call | false | true |
events | object | the events handler | false | see howto |
options | object | other options | false | timeout=10000 |
This is the constructor for Buffalo, exmple use:
var buffalo = new Buffalo("/bfapp/buffalo");
To make a synchronized call:
var buffalo = new Buffalo("/bfapp/buffalo", false);
remoteCall will make a remote call using the service with params. It will use callback function to handle the result.
Parameter name | Parameter type | Description | Required? | Default |
service | string | the service name and method name, format is "serviceName.methodName" | true | N/A |
params | Array | the parameter for the remote call | true | N/A |
callback | function | the call back function, will take Buffalo.Reply as parameter | true | N/A |
Code demo:
buffalo.remoteCall("helloService.hello", ['Michael'], function(reply) { alert(reply.getResult()); })
The reply.getResult() will give you exactly the same object model defined in Java in a javascript way.
buffalo.remoteCall("helloService.hello", ['Michael'], myfunc); function myfunc(reply) { alert(reply.getResult()); }
setEvents will customize the event handler for the buffalo instance.
Parameter name | Parameter type | Description | Required? | Default |
events | object | the event hanlders | true | N/A |
buffalo.setEvents({onLoading:myloading}}) function myloading(state) { if (state) {window.status = "loading..."; } else {window.status = "load completed."; } }
Or you can just like this:
buffalo.events["onLoading"] = myloading;
bindReply will make a remote call and bind the result to the element.
Parameter name | Parameter type | Description | Required? | Default |
service | string | the service name and method name, format is "serviceName.methodName" | true | N/A |
params | Array | the parameter for the remote call | true | N/A |
elementId | string | the element which you need bind value to | true | N/A |
For example: call the simpleService.provincesNames and bind the result to id=select_provinde form select element. You can read more about binding.
switchView will get the viewName page and load the content to div(id=body). This operation will be added to browser history so that the back/forward button can be used.
Parameter name | Parameter type | Description | Required? | Default |
viewName | string | the view url | true | N/A |
switchPart will get the viewName page and load the content to element(id=partId), if addToHistory is true, it will add this operation to browser history so that the back/forward button can be used.
Parameter name | Parameter type | Description | Required? | Default |
viewName | string | the view url | true | N/A |
partId | string | the div id which will be replaced | true | N/A |
addToHistory | boolean | if this operation add to browser history? | true | N/A |